Thursday, April 21, 2011

39 to 39: The start of the journey

Life rattles along like a train on a track. Some mornings more than others I look like I have been hit by a freight train. As I approach the last official year of my 30s, I am keenly aware of the movement. I remember my 30th Birthday. I was afraid it would be difficult but it wasn't. My 30th Birthday was met with many life accomplishments: a husband, 2 children, a house, a dog and a career. I had everything I had hoped for at 30.

As I approach 40 everything is different. I can't figure out if I'm less interested in accomplishing or just more interested in being. Since I have found it so difficult to "be" I haven't quite hit the mark as I did at 30. In fact I am actually bumping up against a wall. The wall divides what I am suppose to be and who I really am.

I have challenged myself to journal (publicly) for the next 39 days. My challenge is to be consistent and to genuine. My goal is to authentically share who I am, what I'm doing and how I feel with you every day. Let the journey begin!