Monday, May 2, 2011

39 to 39: It's just hair

#1 rule of parenting: pick your battles. Today I verbally sparred with my 11 year old son about getting a haircut. We tricked him into stopping at Great Clips. In fact when Perry drove to the door... Will began moaning... Nooooo! Once inside the shop he began to bargain. "How about I keep the top long."
Or "How about they trim my bangs, so the rest stays long.". Even the threat that Will resembled Justin Beiber didn't work.

So we sit here... Waiting, while I'm wondering if this was the battle to choose.

Here we go... The public battle... Will Will win her over or will Mom get her wishes? The result remains to be seen!


  1. Bryan as a child insisted on a "Mohawk" ... Sunday in church everyone loved it. His classmates on Monday? Not so much.

  2. So funny! Thank you for sharing.
